Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Our last two weeks of summer were spent in the beautiful islands of Hawaii. We had the best trip. We spent a week on Oahu visiting with friends and family, then the kids went on an outer island trip to Maui with my in-laws. Bless You! The kids had so much fun with Grandpa and Grandma. They took the Super Ferry, which is the first ferry to allow residents and tourists to drive cars onto the boat and ride across the ocean to Maui.
While the kids were off and having fun with grandparents Clinton and I flew to Kauai. We stayed at the beautiful Princeville Resort and loved EVERY minute of it! We hiked, kiyaked and swam in the CLEAR ocean water. It was so peaceful to read while sitting the pool and eating lots and lots of fresh pineapple! I had a great honeymoon when Clinton took me to the Big Island 13 years age after or wedding, but this trip to Kauai was magical and just as special. I was spoiled by my wonderful husband and feel like the luckiest woman in the world!
Now we are back in school and living in reality!